Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The first mile is always the hardest

Non runners may find it hard to believe, but even experienced marathoners have days when they don't feel like going for a run. There is a bargain to be made, which is similarly applicable to other life events. Run for 5 minutes, and if you still feel like its not a day to run, that is all you had to do for your end of the bargain, no guilty feelings allowed. On the majority of those days, however, one settles into a rhythm and the run gets easier. So that is the attitude I start with as I start this blog. It is time to put something, anything, to the page, and it will be easier from here.

This is not my first blog. As you can hopefully see somewhere on this page, was a travel blog of our trip around the world. You will see one post where I was expressing my frustration that this blogspot page was showing up in Vietnamese in Vietnam. Now of course, in starting my second blog, I see that there is a button to push in set up where the page will be translated into English. So there is another of life's little lessons that I can prove in the disobeying; Read the Instructions First!

My next post will be about my fundraising for Dana-Farber by running in this year's Boston Marathon, but here is the link to my Dana-Farber Web page. Until then, thanks for reading.


Run Mommy said...

I love that you ahve a travel blog too...I will check that out!

Helen said...

Okay, I'm sort of annoyed that you didn't tell me about this and I just had to "find" you...

Anyway, you couldn't be more correct - many days when you just don't feel like running, especially when you train in the cold. Which is probably why I've yet to train for a spring marathon :-)

Mrs. Harvey said...

it is a blog